Saturday, February 23, 2008

Great Mouse Massacre of 2008 (Part 5)

Things got unexpectedly exciting in the battle today.

While I was working away at my desk in broad daylight, with Captain Kirk (my 20-year-old cat) sleeping on my lap, two mice skittered by near my feet. Shaking off the astonishment that they'd be so audacious (or outright stupid) all of a sudden, I tossed Captain Kirk at them. He's a little slow on the uptake these days, so one had enough time to scamper behind a part of the desk, while the other sprinted back into the living room.

The mouse behind the desk was cornered. I placed Kirk on one side of the desk, and poked a pole into the other side, scaring him into Kirk's path. Luckily, Kirk's still got some instincts, and he pounced on him, snapped him up and ate him wholesale. Bad. Ass. Mofo.

Double-checking the other traps, I was surprised to find one of the green humane traps hosting a terrified new resident, soon to be released into the wild.

All in all, the mice are acting more and more erratically. The disorientation strategy seems to be working well. Here's hoping Kirk doesn't barf it up.

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